Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cooler Things Are Happening Now

A lot of you may have seen the video below yesterday considering it was shared over 30 times just within my feed. That being said, you guys are awesome! We are in the last few days of prep before we pull out on Sunday and I can't even put into words how excited myself and the rest of the guys are.

We will be fully packed and loaded on Thursday night (due to a wedding this weekend of some of my best friends.) Then on Sunday we'll get to have one last breakfast with our families and hit the road. After that you will hopefully be hearing from us almost every day and be seeing us via video every week. As awesome as all that is, cool things are happening even right now. Just yesterday we brought in the most donations we've ever brought in during a 24 hour period. People are getting excited about the ride like never before and it'll result in incredible things I'm sure. Even right now, we are in the process of using some of that money to bless an incredible woman who's story will be up shortly! Outside of money, I've had multiple bike tourists themselves contact me to give me advice and be praying for us along the way. As much as just four of us will be leaving on the ninth it is definitely a much larger group effort.

This past week we've been riding together, setting up demo camps, getting logos ready for the truck and trailer, calling and reserving camp sites, as well as just mentally preparing that we are here.
That being said, I'm going to keep today's short for y'all. Starting next week you'll get to hear from all of us and the things we are seeing, the people we're meeting, the stories we're telling, and how you were apart of it!

Hope your summer is off to a great start and continue to be blessing to the people around you.

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