Since my last post we have officially cleared Kentucky AND Tennessee. Tonight we're sleeping in the middle of nowhere on the border of Missouri (seriously no camp site, just an awkward pond and enough space to clear a tent). That being said a lot of awesome things have happened.
To say Kentucky was good to us would be an understatement. It was like Christmas morning compared to the awful state of West Virginia which was more like walking on hot coals. Despite one popped tire (me), we had smooth riding and high mileage. In Louisville we got our first home cooked meal and was shown some awesome hospitality by the Sheehan family and we could not be more grateful. I was able to get my bike all fixed up and the local Louisville news station covered the ride (go to
Nashville was the one night we spend in Tennessee and a good friend was able to put us up for the night and we couldn't be more thankful. The closer the we get to Texas the more stops we get with friends and family and it makes things infinitely better. We were even taken to dinner in Nashville by my Uncle Tim and his family which was a huge blessing because we needed a good reload on calories.
To say that we are exhausted at this point would be an understatement. As I'm writing this, Evan Hibbs is napping on the table at McDonalds and it's only 7:00pm. We can't wait to see everyone back home and be back in our own showers, our own beds, and our own dogs (lets be fair I miss Honey more than my own girlfriend some days). Unfortunately the posts are getting shorter but that is mostly because things are getting easier and there's less crazy stories to post.
Again, thank you so much to everyone who has put a roof over our heads, paid for a meal, sent us texts of encouragement, or took care of us in some way along the route. At this point it's the little things that make it worth being out here. For example, the 2000+ calories I just pounded at McDonalds will not be regretted.
Hope y'all have a blessed night and pray for us as we most likely shower at a truck stop and sleep off the side of a gravel road. See y'all July 6th!
Keep on peddlin', Laine, you're getting closer to home! You guys are making so many people so very proud. I'm thinking about y'all every day!!