Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's still not a real thing...but it's close....

As I'm writing this blog I'm sitting on my couch at my house in College Station. There's quite a few reasons that this is a weird feeling considering I spent my whole sophomore year in this house. A lot of great and not so great memories surround it but that isn't the weird feeling I'm getting right at this moment. The weird feeling I'm getting now is one that involves the future and not the past. The next time I'm in this house, on this couch, will be in July. It'll be our last night of the trip before we arrive in Georgetown and though it seems pretty far away at this point it really isn't. The next time I'm in this house I, as well as the two other riders and Davis, will be roughly 100 miles from our destination, which is weirdly kind of scary. At that point we'll have 1700 miles of road behind us, experienced 21 different state parks, multiple flats and hopefully (fingers crossed) no accidents. Everything we have worked for and built up to for two years will have become a memory and something complete rather than something unknown.

Quite honestly I feel like that day will never come and will probably feel that way until I'm sitting on this very couch again writing a blog about the day and how we covered x amount of miles in x amount of time and can't wait to see our families the next day. But until then I continue to sit and wonder just what that day will feel like. July 6th of 2013 is nothing but a dream, something in my imagination, until we actually get back here.

But until then here's what's to come in the next week or so. We are still gathering everything we need in order to make this trip happen, and after a 40 mile ride in the wind yesterday I'm confident in the machine I'll be riding. All riders are in Georgetown and can't wait to depart on this adventure, or journey, or whatever you would like to call it. Our truck and trailer logos are in and ready to become an icon for 30 days.

Remember that this blog will become a daily thing after our last pre-ride post next week. Weekly we'll be uploading videos as well so you can see some of the scenery we'll get to enjoy and all the crazy camp sites we get to stay at. Lastly, keep an eye out for one last video before the trip that Davis Emmert will be uploading fairly soon. We always get excited about his work and so should you.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you riders a safe & amazing journey! Have fun! Your are loved & appreciated! - Lacy & Team Charlie!
